Co-Ed Football Rulebooks

Backyard Sport Club

Co-Ed Flag Football Rules


  1. Backyard Sports Club will require a team or individual fee from all adult teams, the amount of which will be determined each season. Payment are made online at
  2. Backyard Sports Club assumes the following responsibilities:
  3. Game site facilities
  4. Payment of officials
  5. Custody of rosters and the authority to rule on player eligibility and all rules and regulations


  1. Backyard Sports Club will require a team fee from all teams, the amount of which will be determined each season.
  2. Backyard Sports Club assumes the following responsibilities: schedules, staffing, game site facilities, payment of officials, custody of rosters, authority to rule on player eligibility and all rules and regulations.


  1. Teams are limited to a roster of fifteen (18) players.
  2. A cut-off date for adding players to rosters will be printed on the league schedules. No new players may be added after this date.
  3. Players must be at least 18 years old to play.
  4. A player may only be on one team’s roster of the Backyard Sports Club Sand Football League.
  5. Backyard Sports Club reserves the right to investigate player eligibility.
  6. Any roster/player information found to be invalid or not in standing with the bylaws for any reason will result in forfeiture of all games played from the time of protest to the time the ineligible player’s roster/roster addition was received by Backyard Sports Club.


  1. Games will be played in accordance with the schedule designed by Backyard Sports Club.
  2. Any coach finding it impossible to play a scheduled game must notify Backyard Sports Club as soon as possible, so that necessary arrangements can be made. This constitutes a forfeit, and the team not at fault will be credited with a win.
  3. If a game is postponed due to weather or conditions beyond our control, Backyard Sports Club will set a makeup date and post makeup schedules at www.backyardsportsclub. Backyard Sports Club reserves the right to arrange postponed games at its convenience.
  4. Backyard Sports Club also reserves the right to cancel games, if necessary, due to weather or conditions beyond our control. Backyard Sports Club will determine postponement or cancellation of games.
  5. There will be no postponement or rescheduling of league games to permit teams to prepare for or play in tournaments.


  1. In the event of inclement weather, in most cases the games will go on as scheduled.
  2. If the first game is canceled because of field or weather conditions, all games are automatically canceled and will be made up at a later date. Make up schedules will be available on the Backyard Sports Club website.
  3. Once a game has started, the officials may decide to suspend play if severe weather conditions arise. If a game is halted, teams may seek shelter, but should not leave the immediate area for a period of 15 minutes. After this time, the officials will make a final decision as to whether the game will continue or be canceled.


  1. Teams must provide their own practice balls, uniforms, flags, and other equipment they deem necessary.
  2. The officials will be paid by the Backyard Sports Club. They will be assigned by the contracted Hampton Roads Officials Association and no team has the right to refuse any official assigned.
  3. Field coordinators are assigned by the Backyard Sports Club. Coaches and managers are expected to cooperate with the coordinators in every way possible.
  4. Starting time: Official game time is by the head referee’s watch. Teams should be at game site at least 30 minutes ahead of scheduled time. A game may start earlier than scheduled if both coaches agree.


  1. Field layout is approximately 60 yards long by 30 yards wide from goal to goal, with 10 yard end zones.
  2. Cones will be placed at the 15, 30 (center), and opposite 15 yard lines on each side of the field.
  3. All cones used will be collapsible/safety cones.


  1. This is a NON-CONTACT league.
  2. In an attempt to remove flags from the runner, incidental contact will invariably occur. However, contact to the face, neck or head should not occur.
  3. Illegal vs. incidental contact is a judgment call by the officials, and cannot be protested.
  4. Screen blocking is allowed. Screen blocking is defined as legally obstructing an opponent without using the body to initiate contact.
  5. Similar to basketball, no moving screens are allowed – the blocker must be set for at least one second.
  7. Tackling is defined as:
  • running at or leaving one’s feet to dive at an offensive player, leading with or making contact primarily with the elbow, forearm, or shoulder, in attempt to knock a player down or knock a ball loose, with no attempt to grab a flag
  • playing horizontally to break up a pass by taking down the receiver
  1. A player may not do any of the following:
  • hold, push, or knock down a runner in an attempt to remove the flag
  • lower the upper body and/or spin by a runner and cause contact to the opponent
  • play through or run/drive through an opponent
  1. Penalty for tackling will be automatic first down at the point of infraction.
  2. The officials have the authority to eject a player for unsportsmanlike conduct, if in the official’s judgment a player is consistently playing too aggressively or taking deliberate action to hurt a player.
  3. To prevent possible concussions and other head/neck injuries, three and four point stances are not permitted. All players (with the exception of the snapper) must be upright.
  4. Game time: Sunday afternoons (start times depend on the number of teams that register).
  5. Playing Time: 2 halves, 25 minutes each, running clock until the last two minutes of the second half, which will be a regular clock. A running clock stops only for team or official time-outs.
  6. Halftime: 5 minutes.
  7. Teams: 6 players on the field (at least 2 must be female). Teams may play with 5 players (at least 2 must be female), but no less than 5 (and no less than 2 females) at any time.
  8. Teams must have 4 players on the scrimmage line at all times prior to the snap of the ball. Any player may be in motion, but only one player at a time may be in motion.
  9. Substitution: Open substitution is allowed between plays on both offense and defense.
  10. Time between each down: 30 seconds.
  11. Time outs: 1 per half, no carry-over.
  12. No kickoff (throw) to start either half. Ball will be put in play at the 15-yard line (first cone from the goal).
  13. Two completed passes across the line of scrimmage equal a first down.
  14. Teams are allowed one first down per possession, then must go for a touchdown (unless a penalty gives a team an automatic first down).
  15. Punts: “Declared kick” throw is allowed if declared on 4th down only. No rushing on a declared kick. No fake punts.
  16. Scoring: A touchdown is worth 6 points. If a female runs, throws, or catches a touchdown, the touchdown will be worth 9 points.
  17. Point after touchdown: The scoring team has the option to try for 1 point from the 3-yard line, 2 points from the 10-yard line, or 3 points from the 15-yard line. Offensive team must declare their intention prior to the officials putting the ball in play. If the defense intercepts the ball and returns it for a score, it will count for the number of points the offense was attempting.
  18. 25/40 point rule: If a team is ahead by 25 or more points at any time in the second half, the clock becomes a running clock (no time outs).
  19. Overtime: No overtime during the regular season. The regular may finish as a tie. Overtime will be used during the tournament. Each team gets one possession at the opponent’s 15-yard line, with 4 downs to score. If the game is still tied, additional overtime periods will be played until a winner can be determined.
  20. Clothing: Uniforms are not required but uniformity is requested. Teams must have same colored shirts with numbers. Jerseys must be long enough to remain tucked in at all times or at least 4 inches above the naval. Shirts, pants, and shorts cannot have belts, belt loops, or pockets of any kind. Drawstrings must be kept inside of pants at all times.
  21. Flag belts: Minimum of two flags on a belt that has flags permanently attached or detachable. The flags must be centered on the hips at all times. Flags must be at least 2 inches wide and 14 inches long. The flags must be a contrasting color to the uniform.
  22. Flags and flag belts should be worn as manufactured and not altered in any way. Flags may not be tucked in under the flag belt in an attempt to prevent them from being pulled.
  23. Removing the flag: After de-flagging the runner, the flag must be held above the head for officials to see. If the runner does not have flags, or has only one flag, the game reverts to one hand touch anywhere between the shoulders and knees.
  24. Metal/jewelry/braces: Exposed metal (or any type of jewelry) on clothes and person will not be worn. Knee braces made of hard plastic or metal must be covered on both sides by a ½” closed cell, slow recovery rubber or other rubber material of similar thickness. Casts of any kind are not permitted.
  25. Team boxes: Team boxes will be located at least two yards off the sideline and extend between the 15-yard lines (first cones from the goal lines). Only players and coaches are allowed in the team box. Coaches are responsible for keeping spectators out of their team boxes.


  1. This is a recreational league for the participants to have fun and enjoy fellowship and friendly competition. Inappropriate and/or unsportsmanlike conduct by anyone towards players, coaches, officials or spectators will not be tolerated.
  2. It is the Head Coach’s responsibility to maintain proper conduct among team members (players, coaches, and spectators) at all times.
  3. Any player(s) or coach(es) ejected from the game by an official for any reason must immediately leave the field area (defined as “out of sight, out of sound”). If the ejected individual(s) refuse to leave after a reasonable amount of time, the referee will inform the captain/coach that the game will be forfeited.
  4. Any player(s) or coach(es) ejected from the game by an official for any reason will automatically be suspended from the next two league games to be played by his/her team, and will not be allowed in the field area (defined as “out ofsight, out of sound”) during their suspension period. No notice of this suspension shall be necessary. In the event a player or coach deviates from this ruling, it will constitute a forfeit. The player or coach will still be suspended from the next two league games to be played by his/her team.
  5. Any player(s) or coach(es) ejected from the game by an official for fighting will automatically be suspended indefinitely from the league.
  6. Any player, coach, or spectator who is guilty of striking an official in any manner before, during, or after a game, will automatically be suspended indefinitely from participating in all leagues sponsored by Backyard Sports Club.
  7. Abuse of any kind (physical, verbal or otherwise) towards officials or city employees by anyone will not be tolerated and will be dealt with severely.
  8. Backyard Sports Club reserves the right to deny any individual or team from participating in our programs or revoke an individual or team’s privileges to participate in our programs for abusive behavior. Furthermore, in the event any individual or team is suspended from participating in our programs for abusive behavior, a written notice of that suspension will be forwarded to all area recreation departments and tournament associations immediately. This action does not apply to one or two game suspensions but to severe cases where abusive behavior warrants further suspensions.
  9. NO DRINKING ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGES ON OR AROUND THE FIELD. ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGES ARE PROHIBITED BY LAW ON ALL CITY PROPERTY. Coaches will be held responsible for their teams, therefore please notify all members of your team and their followers of this rule. Please keep our beach free of cans and bottles. Violations will result in a one game team forfeiture and one game suspension of individuals. Repeated violations will result in team expulsion from the league.


  1. The only protest that will be accepted by Backyard Sports Club will be player eligibility. All other disputes must be settled on the field.
  2. Protesting a referee’s judgment calls will not be considered.
  3. Player eligibility protests must be submitted in writing to Backyard Sports Club within 48 hours of the incident.
  4. In the event a protest is lodged on a player’s ineligibility and the player is found to be ineligible:
  5. The player and coach (depending on the infraction), will be suspended from the league. Suspensions range from player disqualification for the remainder of the season to player and/or coach ineligibility for one year.
  6. The team will forfeit all games in which the player participated.


Regular season rules apply for all playoff matches, with the following exceptions:

  1. Playoff format will consist of a single elimination tournament for qualifying teams. The back page of the league schedule will indicate the number of teams eligible and the method for determining playoff seeding/tie-breakers.
  2. If two or more teams are tied at the end of the regular season, the tiebreaker will be head-to-head play amongst all

tied teams. Points scored/point differentials will not be considered.

  1. All players are required to bring and present a picture ID to each playoff game. The ID must be a valid State Driver’s License, Military ID or Passport. The Athletic Office will not accept any other forms of identification.


  1. Players participating in the league should have accident insurance coverage. This is your responsibility. The Department does not provide insurance in case of injuries for players or coaches.
  2. It is to be understood that Backyard Sports Club will not be held liable for injuries sustained by any person or group participating in our program while they are playing, practicing or traveling to and from games or practices.


  1. Coaches: Please advise your players of the bylaws. Ignorance of any rule by any individual will not be tolerated.
  2. The Sports Field Coordinator will impose penalties and suspensions upon teams, players, and coaches as necessary to insure the orderly conduct of the league.
  3. The Sports Field Coordinator has the authority to make final decisions on all bylaws, rule interpretations and any other matters.
  4. Backyard Sports Club website for standings, makeup schedules and playoff brackets: